Internet Explorer vs Google Chrome - The Browser War Battle Continues

November 02, 2021

Internet Explorer vs Google Chrome

When it comes to browsing the internet, there are two browsers that are in a constant battle for supremacy - Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. While each of them has its pros and cons, the question is, which one is better? In this blog post, we will compare the two browsers, and hopefully, by the end, you will have an answer to the question.

Market Share

Google Chrome is the most used browser globally. As of October 2021, it had a market share of 67.53%, while Internet Explorer had a market share of 0.83%, according to Statista. This means that the majority of internet users are using Chrome. However, this does not necessarily mean that Chrome is the best browser.


When it comes to speed, Chrome is known to be faster than Internet Explorer. Chrome utilizes multiprocess architecture, which allows it to load pages faster and provide a seamless browsing experience. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, uses a single-process approach that tends to slow down when loading multiple tabs simultaneously.


When it comes to security, Chrome is again ahead of Internet Explorer. Chrome has several built-in security features that protect users from phishing and malware attacks. In contrast, Internet Explorer is known to have more security vulnerabilities and is considered less secure.


One area where Internet Explorer does excel is in compatibility. It is compatible with older web applications that Chrome may not support. This can be an advantage for businesses that use older web applications that are no longer maintained or upgraded.

User Interface

Chrome has a more modern and sleek design compared to Internet Explorer. It has a minimalist interface, making it easier and more intuitive to use. Internet Explorer, on the other hand, has a cluttered interface that can be overwhelming for new users.


In conclusion, both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome have their pros and cons. Chrome is faster, more secure, and has a modern interface, while Internet Explorer is more compatible with older applications. Ultimately, the choice of which browser to use depends on personal preferences and specific needs.

Regardless of which browser you choose, you must keep it updated to ensure that you are using the latest version with the most up-to-date security features.


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